After Your Teeth Whitening Session: 3 Types Of Foods And Beverages To Avoid

Posted on: 19 July 2015

Whether you had your teeth whitened for your upcoming wedding in two weeks, Monday's job interview or Saturday night's fundraising gala for work, you want to do whatever you can to keep those teeth as white and as sparkly as possible until that event comes and goes. The last thing you want to do is eat or drink something that is going to negatively affect the work that you just had done. Here is what you need to avoid:

1. Fruits and Vegetables with High Acid Content.

As a general rule, fruits and vegetables are good for you – not just your teeth, but your overall health. However, after your whitening appointment, you'll want to steer clear of certain ones to avoid an unnecessary fade of your recently-whitened smile. You will want to avoid fruits and vegetables like lemons, tomatoes, blackberries, pomegranates and blueberries. Some of these may be difficult to nix from your diet, but you'll be glad that you did when everyone is talking about your sparkling smile.

2. Dark-Colored, Stain-Causing Foods.

If you want to eat a food that is dark in color, think again. Anything that has a dark tint to it is likely to cause staining of your teeth. You'll probably want to avoid Indian cuisines almost entirely since these meals consist of a large amount of stain-causing foods, such as curry. In addition, you will want to avoid things like pasta sauces, dark soups, balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.

3. Stain-Producing, Colored Beverages.

The best thing you can drink after a whitening appointment is water and other clear liquids. Dark beverages are a definite no-no. This includes anything from black tea and coffee to red wine and dark soda. Sure, you may find it difficult to say "no" to that cup of Joe in the morning and that glass of red wine before bed, but you will happy you did once you see the way people look at your smile at the event. Oh, and you can't forget how thankful you will be once those event photos show up on the front page of the newspaper or in your photo album!

If you have a question about a certain food or beverage that you aren't sure will impact the color of your teeth, contact a local dentist, like those at Dentalcare Associates, to find out. Nixing these three types of foods and drinks from your diet after your teeth whitening session will help ensure your teeth stay white for far longer, which means they'll look great for your upcoming event.
