3 Dental Issues Common During Pregnancy & What You Can Do About Them

Posted on: 29 February 2016

Pregnancy is a time of great joy, but as a soon-to-be new mother, you also know it's a time of hormone surges and the unpleasant symptoms related to them. While you may not know it, the hormones that your body produces during pregnancy can actually cause issues for your dental health. Below are three such issues that are common during pregnancy and what you can do to lessen their impact.


If you've noticed an increase in swelling and bleeding of the gums during your pregnancy, you're not alone. Progesterone, a hormone that's high during pregnancy, has been linked to an increase in gingivitis.

A common mistake that people make when they see the inflammation and blood is to decrease their brushing and flossing, but this can lead to periodontal disease which is a more progressed form of gingivitis and can affect your baby's health. Instead, if you're suffering from gingivitis, it's important to continue with your regular brushing and flossing routine and visit with your dentist for a cleaning. With the proper care, gingivitis can be treated and kept under control.

Dry Mouth

A decrease in saliva is a common pregnancy symptom that's caused by–you guessed it–hormones. Aside from the not so pleasant symptoms, you may think that dry mouth is a benign issue, but you'd be wrong. Dry mouth can actually increase your odds of developing cavities and can make your mouth more hospitable to harmful bacteria and fungi. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to combat dry mouth, such as avoiding sugary, caffeinated beverages and sucking on sugarless candy throughout the day. If dry mouth is an issue at night, consider using a humidifier and keeping water with you at all times.

Enamel Erosion

Vomiting is an all too common symptom of pregnancy which can lead to serious enamel erosion if steps aren't taken to prevent it.

Enamel is the protective layer on the outside of your teeth that keeps cavities at bay. It also helps to protect the nerves of your teeth from extremes, such as an ice cold beverage or a hot cup of tea. If vomiting is an issue for you throughout your pregnancy, it's important that you do everything you can to keep your enamel intact. Certain steps, such as rinsing after every episode of vomiting and using fluoridated toothpaste, can help to keep your enamel from becoming affected by the overly acidic environment.

To learn more about how pregnancy can affect your dental health and what you can do to keep your teeth healthy, consult with a general dentist in your area.
