3 Things To Understand About Root Canals And The Pulp In Your Teeth
Posted on: 2 November 2016
If your dentist tells you that one of your teeth needs a root canal, it is because there is damage to the pulp inside the roots of that tooth. The only way to solve the problem is through a root canal procedure; and if you fail to get this done, you will probably end up losing this tooth. Here are some things to understand about the pulp in the roots of your teeth.
The Purpose Of Tooth Pulp
Pulp is something that is found in your teeth, and the pulp contains nerves, tissue, and blood vessels. The pulp extends from the inside of your teeth into the roots that are holding your teeth in place. Tooth pulp is necessary for tooth development; however, it can become infected. The nerves and blood vessels in your tooth pulp controls hot and cold sensations and other types of feelings.
What A Root Canal Does
Root canal therapy is a procedure that involves removing the tooth pulp from a tooth and its roots. The actual roots of a tooth are not removed during this procedure, because the roots are what holds the tooth in place. The only thing that is removed is the tooth pulp, and your teeth will function just the same without the pulp. The only difference is that you might not experience hot and cold sensations after the pulp is removed, simply because the tooth will no longer contain nerves.
Why This Is Needed
The only reason a root canal would ever be needed is if the pulp inside a tooth becomes damaged, and the damage is usually a result of an infection from bacteria. The pulp inside your teeth is protected by your teeth, until something happens to a tooth that reduces the protection the tooth offers. This is often caused by decay that has worked its way deep into a tooth, but it can also be a result of a chipped tooth.
During a root canal procedure, a dentist will carefully remove the pulp from the tooth and from the roots. Afterwards, he or she will fill the canals with a substance that hardens. This solves the problem with the tooth and prevents the problem from returning in the future. In many cases, teeth that have root canals will need dental crowns to protect them. This occurs because a root canal can weaken a tooth, leaving it unable to stand on its own.
If you have any questions about a tooth you are having problems with, contact a dentist such as Gary B. Wiest D.M.D. to see if you need a root canal.