Six Foods Your Teeth Wish You Would Avoid

Posted on: 13 February 2019

No matter how well you try to take care of your teeth, if you routinely eat certain foods, you could be damaging your teeth. Here are six foods that may still cause harm even with regular brushing and flossing.


Chewing ice is an unbelievably popular habit that can be incredibly destructive. Ice may be nothing more than frozen water, but the human teeth are not made for chomping on substances that are this hard. Chewing ice can chip your teeth, eventually wearing them down to the point of breaking, and it can cause damage to your enamel as well.  

Caramels And Other Sticky Foods

Caramel candies or foods containing caramel, like a caramel apple, may be tasty, but they aren't good for your teeth. Besides being virtually pure sugar, caramel can easily rip out a filling. Even healthier sticky foods, like dried fruits, can take a toll on your teeth, especially if they aren't in great shape to begin with.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are all 100 percent natural, and they are loaded with Vitamin C, which is necessary for optimum health and wellness. Unfortunately, your morning glass of orange or grapefruit juice, summer lemonade, or simply a slice of lemon or lime to add zing to your water can make your mouth too acidic. The acid in citrus fruits will eventually erode your enamel. The enamel covering is what protects your teeth from developing cavities.  

Carbonated Soda

Sipping on soda all day long is perhaps one of the most destructive habits on your teeth. Not only is it loaded with sugar—about 3 tablespoons per 12-ounce can—soda is highly acidic. The bacteria in your mouth feed on that sugar, creating even more acid and more bacteria. A can of carbonated soda is essentially a "perfect storm" recipe for tooth decay.

Crispy Things

Munching on popcorn or chips are frequent snacks for many people, but they can be tough on your teeth. The force with which they must be chewed pack the minute spaces between your teeth, providing a bacteria trap. Popcorn hulls can slip under the gums, which will eventually cause inflammation or even a potentially life-threatening abscess from the bacteria that collects.


When a person drinks alcohol, they can easily become dehydrated, and this includes their mouth. When the mouth is dry, bacteria isn't swished away. If a person imbibes in alcohol on a regular basis, over time, their perpetual dry mouth can encourage gum disease.

The chances are that most people won't completely quit eating these foods or beverages, but they should be limited, and the teeth should be brushed and flossed after consumption. Visit your dentist frequently for regular checkups and cleanings.

Contact a dental office like Persona  Dental to learn more.
