The Versatility of Dental Implants in Tooth Replacement

Posted on: 9 July 2019

A dental implant is one of the most versatile devices in tooth replacement. The implant is a rod or screw that is positioned in the bone of the jaw to replace the roots of a missing tooth. The implant is made of titanium, which is a biocompatible metal. Thus, the body is unlikely to view it as a foreign substance that should generate an immunological response. Within a few months of an implant's placement, the device becomes secure in the mouth.
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Key Signs That Your Child May Have A Problem With Their Vision

Posted on: 12 June 2019

As an adult, it's probably very common for you to see the eye doctor on at least an annual basis. You want to make sure there are no issues with your eyes because you need them to drive, perform your job, and handle tasks around the house. However, although you may take your child to see a family physician, you might not be as serious about making sure they see an eye doctor.
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Dealing With Discolored Teeth: 3 Ways To Improve Your Smile

Posted on: 15 May 2019

Discolored teeth can be a something that causes anxiety and even depression. If your teeth are stained and discolored, you probably feel incredibly self-conscious about smiling around other people, and certainly don't want to for photos. This can result in avoiding parties and other social settings. However, there are easy fixes for this. They include lifestyle changes that will help prevent your teeth from being discolored, as well as treatments that you can get from your dentist.
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3 Ways Your Dentist Makes Teeth Whitening Easier

Posted on: 14 April 2019

These days, whitening products are available just about anywhere, including grocery stores and online boutiques promising fast results. However, DIY whitening can be dangerous for your smile, while also creating the need to handle your own dental care at home. Here are three ways your dentist can make teeth whitening easier by offering in-office treatments.   1.  Using Better Products Although there are ADA-approved teeth whitening kits available for DIY use, many of these products use low levels of carbamide peroxide, making whitening take longer.
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